Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Seamless Transition To Academic Excellence

As we begin to build a foundation for excellence, I developed a transition model consisting of four key pieces.

(1)Student Transition – Piedmont Intermediate will be a school of transition. We must work to create a seamless transition for our 5th graders and ensure they feel comfortable, confident, and safe. These students may feel anxiety during the first few weeks of school. We must remember that these students are upper elementary and will need a little assistance from time to time. On the other hand, we must prepare our 6th graders to transition to the 7th/8th building. Responsibility, a strong academic foundation, and following school rules will be a big part of this transition.  It is imperative we focus on developing the whole child.

(2)Teacher Transition – Before the building ever opens, it will be important to define what a developmentally responsive school looks like. As teachers from 4 different buildings come together, we must begin building a collaborative culture along with developing a shared vision with a laser-like focus on results.

(3)Parent Partnership – Community building and collaboration will be an important factor in Piedmont Intermediate becoming an immediate success. Communication is key. Engaging in open, sincere, and honest dialogue and genuinely establishing relationships with parents is a must. Great schools inspire great conversations with the entire school community.

(4)Strong Curriculum Audit – It will be essential to prioritize our curricular needs. We must review testing data to identify strengths and weaknesses and develop a research-based action plan. We will work to transition and align to Common Core State Standards.

What other puzzle pieces do you believe will play a major factor not only in this transition but will lead to academic excellence?

1 comment:

  1. Communicaton!!
    Strong Communication is a vital key in the success of any school. The best laid plans can only be successful when they have been fully communicated. Communication is obviously a strong point of yours and I am looking forward to working with you next year.
    Michelle Eidson
