Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Articles That Have Me Thinking

I have to admit, there has been times in which I have used the terminology, problem-based, project-based, and inquiry-based learning interchangeably.  This article describes what problem-based learning looks like in a classroom and reveals there is a distinct difference among the three.  As you read the short article, think about how Common Core State Standards can be achieved through problem-based learning.

Problem-Based Learning

I'm sure many of you have heard of David Warlick or have read his books.  I really enjoyed this article and believe he has revealed 4 important components on how to recognize true learning.  This is a quote from the article:

"The goal of education today is to prepare our children for an unpredictable future, and we will not accomplish this by applying more education or even technologically enhancing it. Children will learn well when the process becomes authentically responsive — learners become full partners in that process and it all becomes a lot more playful."
"This will happen in retooled classrooms, with inspired teachers and learners who are free to play with their learning." - David Warlick

Friday, July 20, 2012

'Demonstrating' Instructional Effectiveness

The following Teaching Channel video clip depicts a clear image of what great teaching should look like in a 6th grade science lab. Demonstrations are clear and precise for all students with anticipation and preventive action to avoid possible students' misunderstanding.

Click here to view the video. 

Questions to consider:
  • Notice how the teacher models the set up visually and verbally
  • What does the teacher mean by "purposeful chaos"?
  • Why was it important for the students to set up their own experiments?
  • She explains that cutting should be done in a "scholarly" fashion.  Which would have been more effective, explaining or demonstrating this expectation?  Why?
As teachers, demonstrating and modeling the desired skill or process is an essential component of instructional effectiveness.