Monday, February 25, 2013

Share Your Takeaways

EdcampOKC was a huge success as many passionate educators from across three states participated in a new type of professional development.  It was exciting to think, learn, and grow with several Piedmont Intermediate teachers including @saintswife0, @PamTarlton, @W_Kayleen, @DunnStacie, @Dch300Haynes, @ClarkTrip2Wife, and @LisaFouts. 

Please share your favorite takeaways from EdcampOKC.  How could we modify our "Tech Tuesdays" to look more like the Edcamp model?


  1. The best part was the fact it was teacher driven. Each session was PD I needed and wanted. Tech Tuesdays could work with this model as well. Teachers could sign up during plan time or lunch. I really hope this is a model our district is considering for our district wide PD!

  2. I agree Melissa!
    It was refreshing to see so many topics that had been swirling around in my head available for meaningful discussion! ( ex. Common Core/ Multicultural text in the classroom )
    What an awesome opportunity for presenters to share their enthusiasm of various concepts, & then they get to go soak up other ideas!!
    The faculty lounge would be a great spot for people to sign up to facilitate brief topics.

    1. I agree. Have a whiteboard up in the faculty lunchroom. When a teacher has a tech tip, app, or project/product to share, have them sign up. Shawn, you can look at our calendar. When an opportunity arises, set up a Tech Tuesday for us so that teacher can share. What do you think?

  3. We can do it! Because of Academic Boot Camp and Writer's Clinic, we may move to Tech Mondays for the month of March.
