Saturday, January 26, 2013

Great Article by Rick Wormeli

Click:  Bring Class Discussions to Life


"We can create curiosity by presenting students with puzzling phenomena, surprising facts, challenges to accepted opinions, appeals to imagination, playful situations with manipulatives, connections among seemingly disparate concepts, moral dilemmas, and personal dramas when facing struggle." - Rick Wormeli  

"Work to create positive anxiety in the classroom.  We want students so concerned that they will be called upon to say something intelligent that they remain on their toes mentally." - Rick Wormeli

Friday, January 18, 2013

Worth the Read!

Joe Bower, a teacher in Alberta, Canada, did a terrific job articulating what learning should look like and provides a video that captures this process.  Take a look at his post!  

Here's What Learning Looks Like

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What is EdCamp OKC?
EdCamps are a way for educators to come together to think, discuss and problem-solve around topics that interest them. EdCamps facilitate peer-to-peer learning, collaboration, and creativity.  Unlike traditional conferences, sessions are not planned or scheduled until the day of the event. At the beginning of EdCamp OKC, participants suggest ideas based on their area of interest, or desire to share. 

You will have a voice and choice!

‘Voting with your feet’ also is strongly encouraged.  You may quickly leave one session for another if it’s not meeting your learning needs. Since all EdCamp sessions are facilitated discussions that tap into the collective wisdom of attendees rather than ‘sit and get’ presentations directed by outside consultants, EdCamps always turn out to be incredible, energizing days of conversation.  



EDCAMP OKC Press Release

TOM WHITBY - Post describing Edcamps

LILLIE MARSHALL- Reflection of first Edcamp


Monday, January 7, 2013

My Favorite Post of 2013.... So Far

Chris Lehmann is the founding principal of the Science Leadership Academy, a progressive inquiry-driven, project-based, 1:1 laptop high school in Philadelphia, PA.  In September of 2011, Chris was honored by the White House as a Champion of Change for his work in education reform.  Recently, he posted the following article on his blog.  It is worth the read!  I have also included a short quote from the piece:

"And so, whenever you have a new idea, ask yourself and your colleagues:
What is the worst consequence of my best idea? What is the thing that, even if we do this really well, will frustrate me, frustrate kids, frustrate parents?" 
- Chris Lehmann

The Worst Consequence of Your Best Ideas