How Can One Teacher be Both the Best and the Worst? A Letter to President Obama
As a teacher, have you ever felt as if you were the best teacher one class period and the worst the next period? Poverty is our challenge to meet excellence for all. I could relate to this letter by Shelley Barker from Snohomish, WA written to President Obama.
"I'll go toe-to-toe with them to demand they finish their work, and finish it well." - Shelley Barker
Are Your Kids Just Doing School?
The expectations we set for our students will most often be met. Think about that for a moment. Do you set high expectations for your students? The following is an excerpt from the article.
"When Hayden’s teachers have high expectations and raise the bar for him – he perseveres through the challenge and produces amazing work – advanced work. He has had many teachers do this for him. Unfortunately, he has also experienced instances of low expectations, and much to my horror as a parent and an educator, he has always met those too." -Shelley Burgess