Sunday, June 24, 2012

Released Common Core Sample Questions

We are all too familiar with the twelve shifts that the Common Core requires of us if we are to be truly aligned, in terms of, curricular materials and classroom instruction.  The following test question is taken from a 5th grade ELA Common Core released sample item.  This sample illustrates the shift in which writing needs to emphasize use of evidence to inform or make an argument

In mathematics, teachers must teach more than “how to get the answer.” Students will be required to demonstrate deep conceptual understanding of core math concepts by applying, writing, and speaking about their understanding.  Assessments will emphasize word problems and problem-solving authentic, real world questions.  The following sample item is taken from the 6th grade math assessment.

The following article contains released Common Core sample questions from New York.  If you scroll to the bottom, you will find links to 3rd-8th grade sample questions in both ELA and Math.  Each link contains 12 released questions.

Common Core Sample Questions

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How Do You Deal With Failure?

Rick Wormeli is a dynamic educator and author of the award-winning book, Meet Me in the Middle: Becoming an Accomplished Middle Level Teacher, as well as the best-selling books, Day One and Beyond, Fair Isn't Always Equal: Assessment and Grading in the Differentiated Classroom.

I encourage you to watch the following two videos as Rick emphasizes that great educators take responsibility for student learning and believe wholeheartedly that failure to reach mastery is not an option.  By the same token, great teachers understand that failure is a success in learning.  

Questions to Consider
What is your next step when a student does not demonstrate any evidence of learning? 

Do you take responsibility for student learning or do you relinquish your responsibility to that of 10-12 year olds?  

Do you allow redos, retakes, and do-overs?  Do you stand in the way of students who strive for excellence?  

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Uploaded by  on Dec 15, 2010

Dr. Douglas Reeves is a global educational leader and the author of 30 books centered around leadership and organizational effectiveness.  In the following video, Dr. Reeves states, "When students get zeros for missing work, it is the academic death penalty."

Questions to Consider
Do zeros really motivate the unmotivated student to turn in assignments?

What do you believe is the right thing to do when it comes to developing grading and assessment practices for 10-12 year olds?

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